
Trading Places as we take a tour of the Bajalia work around the globe. From Orlando Florida to the ends of the earth - China, Afghanistan, Thailand, India and Africa. BaJalia International is a collaboration of for-profit and nonprofit that partners with artisans and entrepreneurs in undeveloped regions for the purpose of stimulating economic growth, while providing sustainable economic and social benefits to craftspeople. Support us at

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


We visited the RKAT store this morning. The first cooperative store in Afghanistan that was started by Afghan women who are associates of Business Council for Peace. We were asked to look at the visual merchandising and maybe do a little work in that area if needed. But the store looked great. Some of the Bpeace associates came to Afghanistan in December to help open the store and space plan for best visual effect. It was interesting to see how much the associates have learned, and how they are committed to the store and working together. This is a culture where everyone is very private about business matters only sharing a small bit with their immediate family, so doing a cooperative store and knowing each others business is a huge step towards progress. We were working with women yesterday who are even afraid to ask their husbands about their own businesses as it causes family problems. So this one RKAT store is a sign of what could be possible. This is a photo of the store and Laila the program manager for the Bpeace work here in Afghanistan waiting on Megan with the Bajalia team.


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