
Trading Places as we take a tour of the Bajalia work around the globe. From Orlando Florida to the ends of the earth - China, Afghanistan, Thailand, India and Africa. BaJalia International is a collaboration of for-profit and nonprofit that partners with artisans and entrepreneurs in undeveloped regions for the purpose of stimulating economic growth, while providing sustainable economic and social benefits to craftspeople. Support us at

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Hazara

Our work here so far seems to be focused on the Hazara people, who are the minority people group here in Afghanistan. The DNA testing has proven that they are direct decendents of Gingis Khan who came through here and killed many Afghans in some citys’ over 200,000 people. We heard of a Mongolian girl who was working with a group here who is helping them, her NGO in Mongolia wants to send people everywhere that that Gingis Khan went to repair the damage that he did through community development. An awesome goal and what a way to restore and repair. We have some work among the Pashtun but they are more the working class and business people. We have a meeting this morning with some of the business contacts I have made with Afghan businesswomen.


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