
Trading Places as we take a tour of the Bajalia work around the globe. From Orlando Florida to the ends of the earth - China, Afghanistan, Thailand, India and Africa. BaJalia International is a collaboration of for-profit and nonprofit that partners with artisans and entrepreneurs in undeveloped regions for the purpose of stimulating economic growth, while providing sustainable economic and social benefits to craftspeople. Support us at

Friday, September 01, 2006

Kibera Slum Nairobi

We started our morning on African time all meeting and leaving our hotel for a quick visit to Kibera slum. We have been selling cards from this project for a couple of years and this was our chance for Susanne and others to check it out. We sang, laughed and shopped as well as encouraged the workers. Here you see them making cards, including making the handmade paper. The Christmas cards were ready for our order so we will be bringing those home with us. Kibera slum is the largest slum in the world, and in one small part of it lives are being changed one card at a time.


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