
Trading Places as we take a tour of the Bajalia work around the globe. From Orlando Florida to the ends of the earth - China, Afghanistan, Thailand, India and Africa. BaJalia International is a collaboration of for-profit and nonprofit that partners with artisans and entrepreneurs in undeveloped regions for the purpose of stimulating economic growth, while providing sustainable economic and social benefits to craftspeople. Support us at

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Caring for the littlest in Kabul

Now that more and more women are joining the workforce, daycare has become a real issue for many families. Habiba started one of the first private daycares in the city which has grown to 29 children in just 3 months. We were able to visit with the children who welcomed us in english and then sang us a song. Habiba has 2 professional teachers that work with the children. We were able to brainstorm some ideas for increasing the number of children to bring in more income, like having an open house, inviting the neighborhood, or starting an after school program for latch key kids. Habiba recently did some promotion with fliers and television. She has a real heart for the children and several families a week are inquiring about her program.


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